Ectropion is a condition wherein the lower eyelids turn outward away from the eyes. There is a part of the lower eyelid’s inner surface that is exposed. Usually, both eyes are affected by this condition.

Symptoms of Ectropion

  • The lower eyelid’s inner lining that is exposed can become sore and very dry.
  • The eyes become watery and the lower eyelid that is nearest to the nose would droop the most. This is also near the tear duct where the tears are normally drained to the nose. The drooping and exposed lower eyelid can prevent tears from being drained and this would result in the eye becoming constantly watery. The tears would then roll down the drooping lower eyelid.
  • As a result, the cornea can be damaged as well since the patient cannot properly close their eyes. The cornea is left exposed and sooner or later, corneal ulcer can develop. Remember that once the cornea id damaged, a person’s sight will be greatly affected.

Causes of Ectropion

Like in the case of entropion, the elderly in UK are most susceptible for this kind of disease. This is because the muscles surrounding the eyelids have become weak and is at higher risk for being damaged.
Ectropion can also be a secondary condition caused by scar tissue build-up in the eyelids or near it. When the facial muscles become generally weak, a condition called facial palsy, this will also affect the muscles of the eyelids which would lead to ectropion.

Treatment for Ectropion

A minor surgery to tighten muscles around the face and the eyelids is the most common remedy for this condition. The surgery is highly successful and is advised for those patients who have symptoms that are not very severe. In cases when ectropion is severe, plastic surgery may be needed as well. While waiting for the operation, the patient may use a prescribed lubricating eye cream to protect his cornea.